Monday, December 23, 2013

Preparing for the Year to Come

Trying to be a successful real estate agent, you are faced with many circumstances out of your control.  We are all taught the harder you work, the more successful you will become.  Coming up in the corporate world, this appeared to be true.  Real estate is quite a different animal in the respect that you have to work extremely hard for several years before you even start reaping the rewards.  And when I say work hard, I mean every day.  It would help if the economy, something I have no control over, would cooperate!  In the beginning of my career as an agent, and even to this day, it is sometimes hard to stay positive during the down times when I am not doing as much business as I would like.  But in this business, you have to stay focused and positive and keep at it no matter what, and in the end it will pay off. 
Christmas and the New Year holidays are fast approaching and as a real estate agent in coastal North Carolina, this time of year signals a slow down in real estate sales which usually lasts until at minimum the end of March.  These times used to be so very hard for me to take.  I'd question my ability as an agent and my career choice, but once the season started up again, I fell was back in the ring and understood why I enjoy selling real estate and helping people so much.  So now that I have become a more experienced agent, I use this time to prepare myself for the New Year; take aim at what I want to accomplish and put a plan in place to achieve my goals in helping buyers and sellers achieve theirs.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and see you in 2014    

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Purchase Process Should Be Positive

In my opinion, home ownership is very important and a great source of pride and joy.  Because it is such a wonderful thing, as a real estate agent I believe the purchase process needs to be a positive experience as well - sort of like a prelude of good things to come.  This is not always possible as the purchase process has become somewhat complicated with demanding lenders, confusing paperwork and sometimes difficult negotiations.  What I try to do is take one step at a time and without drama handle each issue and solve each crisis as it presents itself.  It also helps to prepare buyers and sellers for what to expect, and things to consider when dealing with issues to keep them from turning into larger, stressful problems.  Purchasing a home is a collaboration of sorts, between people working toward the same goal (for different reasons) and if you are smart and remain realistic about what is important, it should be a successful, stress-free, positive experience and good start to the next chapter of your life.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Real Estate Agents Bring A Lot To The Table

The internet has changed the way business we business, and in fact has made many jobs obsolete.  With the abundance of real estate information available online, one would expect the need for real estate agents to dwindle but actually the opposite has occurred.  The number of agents was definitely diminished by the crash in the market, but according to the National Association of Realtors, 89% of buyers retained an agent in 2012, up from 69% in 2001; On the seller side, just 9% sold a home without using an agent, down from 20% in 1987.  There are some good reasons why real estate brokers still exist.  
Generally speaking, REALTORS* bring a lot to the table. They bring their knowledge, but maybe more importantly, they bring their insight and experience.  Since the crash in the real estate market, not only have lenders tightened their standards, but real estate transactions have gotten much more complicated and continue to do so.  Agents can match you up with local lenders who have successfully worked through circumstances similar to yours.  They can negotiate tricky contracts and will guide you through the real estate transaction, all the while looking out for your interests and making it as stress-free as possible.

They also have special insight into neighborhoods and specific communities that you cannot get from a website and can introduce some options that you would not have known existed had you not been working with an agent.  For example, a buyer I worked with was looking for a vacation home and asked to see available homes in a particular neighborhood.  After listening to what his wants were and getting to know him better, I finally got him to look at a home in a different community that I thought might be a better fit.  I was pretty sure he would love the community and I knew that one home in particular, had a great floor plan.  I finally got him to agree to see it, and he and his wife purchased that home and are extremely happy with their choice.

Another buyer was sure he could find a home and navigate the real estate process on his own and really just wanted me to get him into the houses he had chosen.  Again, after listening to him and getting to know what he was looking for, I showed him some options that he did not know existed, but really fell in love with.

In closing, do not under estimate the importance of a real estate agent and what they bring to the table.  Do your homework on the internet and be as familiar with your target market as possible. Then find an agent that you can work with and commit to them.  They will surely be committed to you and will positively impact your real estate experience.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Thanksgiving Tradition That Lasts All Year

Do you have special Thanksgiving traditions that you save up and perform on that day?  My husband kind of started one a few years ago.  Before partaking in the Thanksgiving feast, we go around the table and each say why we are thankful for one another.  The first time my husband did it, he said he was thankful for my mother!!!  The family was in shock!  My mother and I started to cry!  You see my husband is kind of a prankster and always joking, so no one expected something so sweet to come out of his mouth.   It's amazing how such a small show of love and appreciation can have such an impact.  I don't think any of us will ever forget that day.

If you'd like to do something on Thanksgiving Day to make it even more special, you don't have to wait until that day to prepare.  Begin the tradition any time you think of it and carry it on throughout the year...Read more.

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Creative Ideas for Updating Your Kitchen

If you're like me, every once in awhile I get the urge to redo something in my house either by doing something simple like rearranging furniture or painting a new color on my walls, to something more drastic like a remodel.  My kitchen has been on my mind for some time as my cabinets need some attention and the hardware should be replaced.  My kitchen table and chairs are quite old, and while I still love them, it might be time to rethink the entire layout of my kitchen and also my dining room - maybe combine them...or something to make it more efficient while ensuring it remains a comfortable space that fits the style of my home.  This article on creative ways to refresh and modernize the kitchen is a good starting point no matter what style kitchen you have.  Continue reading

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tips for Downsizing to a Smaller Home

There are many reasons why people choose to downsize.  Maintaining a larger home is a lot of work, can be costly, and requires more furniture and "stuff".  Sometimes it's hard to part with those things that we lovingly purchased and collected.  But if you think of it in a positive light, it can be a good thing.

When I moved from my larger home in New York to my "retirement" home (do I look retired?) on the coast of Brunswick County, North Carolina, I had only seen my house once before making an offer to purchase it.  The first time I saw my new home as its new owner, I cried!  I was afraid my king size bed and bedroom furniture that I loved would not fit in the master bedroom.   As it was, I had put a substantial amount of furniture in storage and there was still furniture everywhere.  I went to Lowes Home Improvement store and purchased a book "smaller spaces" and realized that although in New York, I had a wonderful great room that spanned the width of my home - great for company I thought - the reality was that we rarely used the entire room.   So maybe moving to a smaller, cozier space would not be so bad and would actually be a more efficient use of space...  Read more

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Every Client Deserves Your Best

As a real estate agent, I am contacted by people from all walks of life and of varying means.  In my life, I treat people as I would like to be treated myself - with kindness and respect.  That is also how I do business.  I work hard for  all my clients, regardless of how much money they are willing to spend or how much commission I am apt to make, because everyone deserves at least that.  The amount of money someone has does not necessarily correlate to the amount of character they possess or the impact they will have on your life.  And I have been rewarded over and over again.

Case in point:  For the past several months, I had been corresponding with a couple interested in moving to Brunswick County, NC.  They were looking for a  retirement home and wanted to stay under $200,000.  This sounded promising and I was eager to help.  The couple finally came to town and had a long list of homes they wanted to see so I set aside three days for them.

After the first day of showings, I had a better idea of what they were looking for and went back to my office to eliminate some of the homes on their list that did not meet their needs.  In the middle of this task, I missed a phone call from a man who left a message.  His name was Jim and he and his wife were very interested in one of my listings, a singlewide mobile home that had been listed for $72,000.  I knew the home was already under contract and I was so involved with the other people that I actually forgot to call him right back.  Later that day, as I was driving home, Jim called again.  I apologized for not calling him back and he was very gracious about it and I immediately got a nice feeling about these people.  We talked for awhile and I found out that Jim and his wife were looking for an inexpensive vacation home that they could come to several times a year.  I told him I would look on MLS and if I found anything that might be of interest, I would call them.

Long story short, the first people who were willing to spend more money, had not really been totally honest with me.  They had not yet decided whether they wanted to retire to Brunswick County, NC or to South Carolina and so looking at houses for three days would not have been productive or helped them make that decision.  On the other hand, Jim and his wife knew what they were looking for, how much they wanted to spend, where they wanted their vacation home to be and had the means to make the purchase.  But the best part is that, as seniors who had not purchased or sold a home in a very long time, they felt lucky to have found me and relied on me to explain things and guide them through the transaction and to really look out for their interests.  In turn, I knew I too was lucky to have met Jim and his wife, as they are honest, down to earth people who deserve the very best from me and from life.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Proof is in the Pudding...I Mean Pricing

Recently I  received a full price offer on one of my listings - my second listing to receive full price in as many months.  What this illustrates to me is that the proof is in the pudding - if you price your home or property correctly from the start, it will sell faster, the percentage of sales price to asking price will be greater, and there will be a minimum amount of negotiations needed.
As agents, we take many classes, study the MLS and the market trends, do our comparative analyses, all so we can be insightful and offer our clients the best possible service.  Our education, and more importantly our experience, has shown us that correctly pricing a home or property from the start is important for several reasons,

Pricing a home correctly from the onset, according the National Association of REALTORS* is key to a swift sale.  That is important because a home priced incorrectly means it will spend a longer time on the market.  Longer time on market also correlates to the number of price reductions,  increased need for negotiations and seller concessions, and finally sales price as a percentage of list price will be lower.

It is understandable that the decision to sell a home can be an emotional one.  Agents do recognize that you may have brought up your children in this home or that you may have put your heart and sole is in it.  But you hire a real estate professional for their knowledge of the local real estate market, for their objectivity, experience and ability to create a pricing strategy based on many factors that impact price.  You hire a real estate professional to sell your home as quickly as possible and for the most money it can get.  All they want is to do their job and achieve the results you want and expect.  Trust them and listen to them.  The cost of overpricing is too dear.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Seasonal Tips for Great Looking Property This Fall

When the leaves begin to fall and our summer blooms are dead and gone, we tend to lose interest in keeping the exterior of our homes looking neat and pretty.  Curb appeal is always important, and even more so if you are planning on putting your home on the real estate market.  There's a checklist of things you can do that will keep your property looking good this fall.  Read more

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Shower Enclosures You'll Love

Bathrooms have become one of the most important rooms in today's homes. The shower is a focal point and the enclosure you choose should match your style and accentuate your bathroom. If you are thinking of remodeling, like I am, here are some attractive shower enclosures to consider.

10 Stylish Shower Enclosures Options

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Alternatives to the Traditional Lawn

What makes a lawn beautiful? Although, most of us, at first thought, envision an expanse of emerald green grass, thick and lush, which we work hard to maintain, rarely do we let our minds move past this traditional concept for a lawn.  But since all things in nature are beautiful, with a little imagination and creativity, we can transform our traditional lawns into more interesting and romantic landscapes that we can enjoy.  I think I might put some of these ideas to work at my own home and lose my traditional lawn. 

Architects, interior designers, and more ∨

Hire residential landscape architects to help with all aspects of landscape design, from selecting or designing outdoor furniture, to siting a detached garage or pergola.
As you revamp your house, browse photos for inspiration on everything from fireplace mantels to crown molding and wainscoting.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Home Remodels Can Strain a Relationship, Survey Finds

Remodeling a home can definitely strain a relationship.  I certainly can vouch for that!  It's gotten to the point where my husband will wait for me to go to work before starting his latest project on our home, no matter what it is.   And as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather be at work than be the object of his frustration when a home project doesn't go quite as planned.  I know my husband sure does get frustrated with me when I repeatedly ask for his opinions on colors or ideas...and then don't listen to them.    If this sounds like your relationship during a remodel project, and sometimes it feels like a hard hat would be in order - you're not alone.  In fact, 12% of couples in the middle of a  remodel consider divorce or separation, says a Houzz August 2013 survey.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Biggest Credit Mistake You Can Make

The biggest credit mistake you can make is probably something you'd never expect would have a negative consequence.  So, although it will feel great when you can finally pay off your balance and  tear up that card, there are many reasons to resist the temptation that would remove credit history that can benefit your credit.  Should you still feel you must, there are ways to do it that will minimize the damage in this MSN Money article.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Versatile Home Cleaner You Keep in Your Pantry

We're all aware that aside from its use as a baking ingredient, baking soda can also be used as a non-toxic natural cleanser. But I bet you'll be surprised to find out just how versatile a produce it really is.  After reading this article, it will be pretty clear that banking soda can out-shine many of the more expensive cleansers on the market today.  It's all natural, and it's probably in your pantry right now.

Kitchen ideas, bathroom ideas, and more ∨

Hire an decorator to find that just-right sofa couch and cocktail table for your living room.
Work with a home decorator when choosing area rugs or hanging new window blinds in your home.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Kayaking the Shallotte River

      In January, my husband and I rented a house in the Florida Keys right on the Gulf of Mexico for a week.  The home was a big splurge for us, but well deserved since I had not been on vacation for 2 years.  The home came with two kayaks for guests, and Hank and I very much enjoyed tooling around in the calm, beautiful waters outside the home. I think it was right then and there that my husband decided he had to have a kayak.  Hank is a man who likes to enjoy life...and he has the toys to prove it!        
     Once back home in Shallotte, NC, everyday Hank was on the computer, researching the different types, specifications and prices.  Let's say, when he wants something, he just doesn't stop until he gets it and for three months there was not a day that went by that Hank did not mention the word kayak!  That's what he does, he wears me down.  Sound familiar???
  "Kayaking would be something we could do together", he said - that's always important.   It would also be a form of exercise that we would actually enjoy doing because we'd be doing it on the water - something we love.  Another big plus, as far as I was concerned, was that kayaks don't have motors so they can't break down, they do not require a registration or insurance, or gas for that matter -  all good things,  I agreed to the purchase!  
     As mentioned, Hank had spent the last 3 months researching the subject (he's retired and has too much time on his hands) and was ready to go as soon as I said the word. We made the purchase which was a bit hefty for my taste, but I must say, I am loving it.  We got the kayaks in May and have gone for rides in the Intracoastal Waterway a couple of times.  While that was a lot of fun, dealing with the tide and currents, and the wakes from boats and jet skis speeding by, was a little challenging but I didn't mind that too much - it was a good workout.
Hank on the Shallotte River
      What I really enjoy, though, is kayaking the Shallotte River.  There is something about being able to navigate the small river streams where only fish can go that is so exciting, yet so relaxing.  We fished the river and although we had no luck, we had a spectacular time.  In the kayak, everything is at your fingertips - it has to be.  So when I wanted to fish in a spot for awhile, I just reached for my little anchor and dropped it in; cast my fishing pole and hoped for a bite.  I saw fish jumping around me, egrets and herons in the marsh grass and I know I want to go back and really try to get proficient at it...and maybe even catch some fish!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Effects of the Increase in Mortgage Rates

Mortgage interest rates are on the rise, says Lawrence Yun, chief economist of the National Association of REALTORS, who expects them to near 5 percent by mid-2014 and higher in 2015.  The increase in  interest rates will neutralize the number of home buyers with sufficient annual income able to purchase a home.  But in our economy, when one avenue closes, usually another one opens.

Mr.Yun says that one factor that can mitigate the negative effects of rising rates is a return to more normal underwriting standards which would increase the number of mortgage applicants that qualify for a loan. In fact, he says, in the last few months there is some evidence that mortgage lenders have eased up a bit resulting in 15-20% more households  that qualify for financing.  Where previously a 760-770 credit score was mandatory for conventional loans, 720 credit scores are now acceptable.  And FHA loan credit score requirements are down to 660 from previous 680-700.  As a real estate agent, it seemed to me that the super high credit scores were a little unrealistic, especially when you witnessed how minor events would significantly impact applicants' scores. While I understand the reason for it, I would be happy to see an easing to a more realistic number.

Sustained job growth in the country is another factor that will empower households and strengthen the housing market.  In addition, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's performance continues to improve, it should enable them to satisfy their obligation to repay taxpayer bail-out funds and begin to reduce the loan fees put in place to help them recover their previous losses.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Yes, I Am Living My Dream!

Yes, I am living my dream!  I moved to Brunswick County, NCShallotte to be exact - in 2004 from Orange County, NY in the Hudson Valley.  I never thought I would leave upstate NY because, well, the state seemed to have everything to me. But when the company I was working for announced they were packing up and moving to California and offering early retirement for those 50 years or older, my plans for retirement were suddenly pushed up. 

Coincidentally, my husband and I had been to Coastal Brunswick County the week before I got the news my company was moving.  We were looking for a home that we could retire to in about 5 years or so, as the tax situation in NY would make it financially impossible to stay there.  We had checked out the area previously when we visited some friends who had already moved to Shallotte.  The area seemed similar to Orange County, but had the extra added bonus of the ocean and the beach.  I had always dreamed of living near the beach and now, it seemed, my dreams were coming true.

This tidal marsh is part of the Shallotte River and is in my backyard along with all the amazingly beautiful wildlife that goes with it.

My husband and I found a home in a quiet subdivision where each house was different from the next.  My house sat on a curve in the road,  and the back yard was on a tidal marsh on the Shallotte River.  We were sold on the way the small home sat majestically on the hill and the beautiful view in the back yard and put an offer on it.  The offer was accepted about the same time I learned I would no longer have a job, so the timing seemed right to make the move.

Since our decision to retire to Brunswick County in Coastal North Carolina, my life has been very different.  For one, I got the smile back on my face!  I have great neighbors who are there when you need them and who always look out for one another.  We have neighborhood parties for every holiday.  In someone's yard, we make a bonfire, everyone brings food and drink, we dance and sing and have just so much fun.  When the men catch fish, we have a fish fry to enjoy the fresh catch.  On weekends, we kayak or jet ski and all hang out on an island across the Waterway from the mainland, and enjoy the sights, the sand. the sun and each other. We appreciate our wonderful way of life and if it sounds like I am living my dream, I would have to say an emphatic Yes I Am!   And you should do the same.
Weekends with the neighbors on Monk Island on the Intracoastal Waterway


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Expert Tips for Home Buyers and Sellers

The conditions and climate of the real estate market is constantly changing.  Read what real estate and financial experts are telling home buyers and sellers now.
Barbara Corcoran, founder of the real estate firm the Corcoran Group

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Do You Have Paint Color Paralysis?

Remodeling, decorating, and more ∨

From designer lounge chairs and writing desks to the perfect message board and credenza, create your dream home office.
Hire a residential builder in your area to renovate or install a new fireplace.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Do Bedroom Colors Promote More Sleep and Sex ?

Architecture, interior design, and more ∨

Ideas for your living spaces, lamps and landscape design.
Find wall shelves, a customizable closet organizer and stylish furniture for home to whip your closet into shape.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

How To Get Popcorn Ceilings Out Of Your Life

Who's idea were Popcorn Ceilings anyway...I'd like to know???

Having Popcorn Ceilings myself, I completely related to this blog (on "View Along The Way" by Kelley) and knew immediately that it was my duty to pass it on to others with the same dilemma.  This is for all of us who wonder every time they look up... or it comes down...  How To Get Popcorn Ceilings Out of Your Life!!!   If anyone out there tries this home project, let us know how it goes. And check out View Along The Way for some entertaining DIY home repair tutorials.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Seaside Station in Sunset Beach, NC is a perfect location for your weekend retreat or retirement home.  Just steps to every day conveniences, a quick drive across the Sunset Beach Bridge lands you on the island ready to spend a relaxing day by the sea.   If you're looking for the simple life, an affordable vacation home  where you can enjoy quality time with friends and family in a beautiful coastal setting, you can stop looking.  Welcome to 307 Dogwood Drive in Seaside Station .  Pretty as a picture, this home is now on the real estate market  for sale  and features a split and open floor plan, 3 uniquely large bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 screened porches, and shed.  Just minutes to both Sunset and Ocean Isle beaches, area golf courses, local shops and restaurants, it's also just a short ride to Myrtle Beach.  Property taxes on this home are just $470 per year.  Call or email me or visit my website at for more details on this and other available properties in Sunset Beach.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Charleston Style Home in Sea Trail Plantation

If you're considering relocating to coastal Brunswick County, NC,  this Charleston style home in Sea Trail Plantation should be included in your list of real estate you must see.  Just minutes to Sunset Beach, 1195 Eastwood Landing majestically sits on a beautifully landscaped corner home site.  The more than 2600 heated square feet includes 5 bedrooms (master on main floor) and 3.5 bathrooms, a kitchen with custom cabinets and granite counters,  cozy living room with fireplace and a bonus room.  Plantation shutters adorn the windows and French doors lead from the bedrooms onto lovely balconies.  You won't have to concern yourself with the yard work as it is included in your amenities along with exterior building maintenance.  Sea Trail Plantation real estate is a sought after commodity because of the wonderful amenities available for owners.  It boasts three golf courses, two clubhouses, a restaurant, bar and lounge, two community pools, fitness center and much more - and you're just a bike ride from the beach.  If you're making a trip to the area, make an appointment to see this southern gem or just go to my website for more information.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

When Should You Replace Your Water Heater

The cold shower you just took is some indication that your water heater is not performing as intended!!! 

But how do you know -
When To Replace Your Water Heater

Thursday, March 28, 2013

How To Pick Paint Colors


How to Pick Paint Colors

Paint has remodeling power when you use it to emphasize a room’s best features or play down the flaws. Read
Visit for more articles like this.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Are You Ready to Make An Offer?

   Your real estate agent has shown you homes and you now want to make an offer. These days, everyone is looking for "a deal", but you need to be able to recognize "a deal" when you see it.

The comparable active and sold property information that your agent gives you should help you determine what market value is for this home and how asking price compares. The home may be priced above market value, but if it is priced belowt or at market, even if you made a full price offer you still would be getting a good deal.

Compare this home with the others you have seen in your price range. How does it rank among them? If it out-shines the other available properties, has more upgrades, better location, or a more appealing floor plan, for example, it will have more value than the others.

A seller offering to pay all or some closing costs, is providing a home warranty that transfers to the buyer at closing, or is willing to work with your time table also adds value. All things to consider.

In closing, a "lowball" offer does not guarantee getting a "good deal" on a home and may actually have more negative effects than positive. You have to be able to recognize a good price when you see it, and if you are a serious buyer, make an offer and negotiate it from an educated standpoint. Be realistic and stay focused on what you and your agent are trying to achieve - not the thrill of the game - and you will get the prize!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Antiques Roadshow and a Lesson in Real Estate

Recently, I subscribed to the blog of Joe Manausa, Owner of Manausa and Associates, a Century 21 affilate in Tallahassee, Florida. Joe's blog was about watching an episode of the program, Antiques Roadshow. If you've never seen it, people bring their treasures and get them appraised and valued by experts.
This episode, while not about real estate, happened to include a great analogy and might be helpful to sellers and how to price their home in the market, and clearly describes why the appraisal value may not always be the market value. Please read this short but interesting blog by Joe Manausa.

Antiques Roadshow

What The Antiques Roadshow Can Teach You About Selling A Home

I was watching an episode of the Antiques Roadshow this past weekend and I saw numerous lessons on valuation that could be applied to selling a home. 
Read more


Thursday, February 21, 2013

What You Should Know About Working With A REALTOR

As a REALTOR, I think buyers and sellers should always seek the services of a real estate professional when looking to buy or sell property. But my opinion is definitely biased!  Yes, selling real estate is my job, but honestly, money is not the only reason I do it. In fact, and I know you won't believe me, but as I progress through the purchase or sales transaction and I get to know my clients, their dreams become my dreams, and the commission check I get at closing is almost an afterthought!  Told you you wouldn't believe me...but it is true!
  • A real estate professional can help sellers increase their bottom line by knowing the market and what similar homes have recently sold for. Pricing your home correctly from the onset is very important and your agent can help you determine what the value of your home is.
  • Agents have many tools available to them to advertise your property and get buyer attention. Close to 90% of buyers start their search on the internet and agents have access to websites, the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and resources that syndicate listings to all major real estate websites basically all over the world.
  • Real estate is our job and agents work at selling your home or property every day.
  • Perhaps you're tempted to sell your home on your own because you think you will get more money, Before you put that "FSBO" sign in your yard, be aware that it can indicate to buyers that you would be willing to take a lower price. In addition, strangers will be ringing your bell to see your home who may not really be interest in purchasing or who are not qualified to get a mortgage. Agents know how to screen perspective buyers, have the contacts to get them qualified for a mortgage, and know how to negotiate price and other important aspects of a contract.
  • Buyers should choose a REALTOR they want to represent them with care, but once you find one you are comfortable with, you should sign a buyer's agreement. A buyer's agency agreement is a commitment that goes both ways. It not only commits the agent to you, but also shows the agent that you are also comitted to him or her and that you have confidence in how they will represent you. Once they know know that, they will work tirelessly for you.
  • When you find a home, an agent can provide market information and insight to help you determine what kind of offer to make. They will not tell you what you should pay - that is up to you, but they can tell you why a seller may or may not take less and provide the tools so you can make an informed decision.
In conclusion, once you have found a good agent, stick with them and let them do their job. The rewards will be great.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Add Color to Your Rental...

If you own a rental property and prefer to have the walls a neutral color, or perhaps you are renting a home and the landlord will not let you paint the walls, there are other ways to add color and make it an inviting and enjoyable place to live or vacation. Click the pic below for some neat ideas.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Designing with Color

I don't know about you, but I have a difficult time choosing the right color paint anytime I want to make a color change or refresh my home.  That's why when I received a newsletter on the subject from (written by Laura Gaskill) I said "WOW.  This could be very helpful", and I thought I would share it.

This first installment is about Signature Color.  Do you have a signature color?  How do you find it and how do you use? 

One way to find your signature color is to think back to your childhood.  Is there a color that brings to mind good memories? I know when I was growing up I liked orange!  I would always pull that color out of the crayon box. It evoked a certain feeling in me. 

 Now I like blues and purple, although I have not yet worked up the courage to use purple paint in my home but would love to!   A signature color is a color that reminds people of you; it's one that you use often or that makes you feel comfortable and that you tend to integrate into your color schemes and your life.

Once you've found it, it could help to simplify some of your decorating decisions.  Use it in your home and wardrobe.  Don't overuse it - keep your signature color special.  Paint an accent wall with it or choose decorative accents that have it; have personalized stationery made or start a collection with it; enhance it with complimentary colors.

Check my blog or my website for future installments of Decorating with Color. Your comments are always appreciated.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Zillow Real Estate Stats & 2013 Forecasts

  • From December 2011 to December 2012, housing values were up 5.9%.  In fact home prices have increased every month since October 2011 ("the bottom"??)  and are expected to continue to increase 2.5% in 2013.
  • .How your particular market is recovering is largely driven by the unique characteristics of your area..."location, location"...and will play a big part in whether you should rent, buy or sell, now or later, in order to maximize value and return.
  • A new wave of underwater homeowners will surface, and 2013 will likely see cycles of ups and downs in prices and inventories.  As home values go up, more underwater homeowners will be able to put their homes on the market thereby increasing supply and subduing prices (supply and demand)  
  • Home affordability will likely continue to be high in 2013 due to low interest rates and still recovering home prices. 
Your comments are always appreciated.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Popular Housing Trends

The American Institute of Architects Home Design Trends Survey for first quarter 2012 revealed that outdoor living spaces have become a must-have for many home owners. More than two thirds of architects surveyed said that homeowners are looking to increase their outdoor living space. Covered or enclosed porches, outdoor rooms, and outdoor kitchens are becoming increasingly popular, as well as low-cost/low maintenance landscaping, exterior and security lighting.

The desire for open living spaces as opposed to defined and enclosed rooms is a trend we are all pretty much aware of. Comfortable open floor plans are flexible and lend themselves to many uses.

A National Association of Home Builders Survey identified the following amenities as most desireable to home buyers with regard to new construction homes: Low-E windows, walk-in closet in master bedroom as well as separate shower and tub in master bath, energy efficient appliances and lighting, linen closet, programmable thermostat, great room, 9-Foot ceilings on first floor, insulated front door and laundry room.

Modest floor plans are on the rise as well, as Americans want more efficient use of space and consider down-sizing. Builders estimate that in 2015, the average size new construction will be around 2,100 sq ft.

Another interesting trend is demand for multi-generation homes or the "Next Gen" house which features defined, yet flexible floor plan layouts that can accomodate returning children and aging parents living under one roof.

Your comments are always appreciated.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act for Short Sales Extended

In an effort to avoid the fiscal cliff, Congress passed the 2013 AmericanTax Payer Relief Act. Included in it is a one year extension of the 2007 Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act through the end of 2013. This is good news and a relief to homeowners who may be in a short sale situation or considering it.
A short sale occurs when a homeowner is in default and needs to sell a home which is worth less than the mortgage amount owed . The difference between what owed at time of sale and amount actually receivde from the sale is called the deficiency. The sale price is subject to lender approval for the very reason that the bank or lender will be accepting an amount which is less than what is owed.
Prior to the Mortgage Debt Relief Act, the government viewed the debt forgiveness as income to the seller who then had to pay taxes on that "income" at the end of the year. To sellers facing this tax liability in addition to having to give up their home, the advantage to short sale over foreclosure might not be so clear.
The extension of the law allows borrowers to exclude the debt forgiven in a short sale from income. Thus the added stress of a looming and possibly large tax liability is removed making the short sale solution a more viable alternative to sellers facing hardship once again. The amount extends up to $2 million ($1 million if filing separately) of debt forgiven on a principal residence. As per Compass Point Research & Trading, "for homeowners to qualify, their debt must have been used to buy, build or substantially improve their principal residence and be secured by that residence".